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Wallace & Gromit: Vengeance Most Fowl (2025)

Vermiglio (2025)

The Last Showgirl (2025)
The Last Showgirl, a poignant film of resilience, rhinestones and feathers, stars Pamela Anderson as Shelly, a glamorous showgirl who must plan for her future when her show abruptly closes after a 30-year run.

The Pitt (2025)

Den of Thieves 2: Pantera (2025)

Hard Truths (2025)

With love, Meghan (2025)

I'm Still Here (2024)
2025 Academy Awards® Best Picture Nominee. A hidden chapter of Brazil’s history is revealed through a gripping personal story.

Wolf Man (2025)

Back in Action (2025)

One of Them Days (2025)
Keke Palmer and SZA star in One of Them Days. Produced by Issa Rae, written by Syreeta Singleton and directed by Lawrence Lamont.

Flight Risk (2025)

Paradise (2025)

Your Friendly Neighborhood Spiderman (2025)

You're Cordially Invited (2025)

The Recruit: Season 2 (2025)

Dog Man (2025)
Part dog, part man, all hero.

Companion (2025)

Green and Gold (2025)
A struggling family farmer wagers everything on a high-stakes Super Bowl bet, while his granddaughter’s musical ambitions could be their ticket to a new beginning.

Love Me (2025)

Jane Austen Wrecked My Life (2025)
Agathe (Rutherford) hopelessly clumsy yet charming and full of contradictions, finds herself in desperate singlehood.

Roads of Fire
ROADS OF FIRE examines the global migrant crisis through the lens of the $35 billion immigrant smuggling trade.

Incandescence (2024)
Incandescence is an immersive cinematic experience that weaves together on-the-ground footage with extraordinary stories of survival and adaptation that transform our understanding of wildfire.

Paddle Out
PADDLE OUT chronicles the extraordinary life of surfer Melissa Pappageorgas, who defied cystic fibrosis by surfing with an oxygen tank. Her love of life and resilience deliver an uplifting and inspiring story of joy and courage.

Captain America: Brave New World (2025)
Anthony Mackie and Harrison Ford star in Marvel Studios’ Captain America: Brave New World. Watch the brand-new trailer and experience it only in theaters February 14.

The Gorge (2025)

Stolen Kingdom (2025)
Stolen Kingdom is a documentary that delves into the history of mischief, scandal, and theft at Walt Disney World, ultimately leading to the theft of an animatronic valued at nearly half a million dollars.

Zero Day (2025)

Suits LA (2025)
The all-new spinoff of the beloved legal drama, starring Stephen Amell, Lex Scott Davis, Josh McDermitt, and Bryan Greenberg, lands on the West Coast. Suits LA premieres February 23, 2025, on NBC.

The Thinking Game (2025)

Last Breath (2025)

The Legend of Ochi (2025)

Uppercut (2025)

My Dead Friend Zoe
A dark comedy that follows the journey of a US Army Afghanistan veteran at odds with her family, thanks to the presence of her dead best friend from the Army.

Film discovery platform that celebrates stories and their creators. Discovery through website, app, YouTube channel, and social media.